Sunday, May 19, 2013

Simone's month 3-other random cuteness

These pictures are the rest of her cute self from March 3, when we returned from California, to March 31.  I have a hard time cutting any of these because I think she is so cute.  Enjoy.

Ready to cruise in her carseat

How her toes look when she eats

Going to the neighbor's house

I think I'd like to read this book

Maybe not.

Look at the rainy day

Striking a serious pose with Gwennie

I like to sleep face planted on my parents

Nora is a great babysitter

Peek-a-boo bathtime Simone

My amazing hair swirl

Beauty in the morning

Look at my legs go!

I love this toy-thanks Auntie Meg and Uncle John

Comfy on Jordan's shoulder

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