Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Cherry blossoms with grandmama and papaw

My mom and dad came to visit the first weekend in April, so we went to see the cherry blossoms.  They were a few days before peak bloom, but still beautiful.

Below are photos from our walk, other photos from the visit, and a few from peak bloom a few days after they left.  Enjoy!

Going to cherry blossoms

Strolling on the mall with lots of people.  Notice the scaffolding going back on the Washington Monument thanks to some earthquake damage.

Like cotton candy on trees.

We ran into my State Department classmates Sheila (and Mitch, who is taking the picture) during the walk.

Even though there are a lot more buds than blossoms, it is still beautiful.

The newest addition to the monument scene is the MLK Jr memorial.  It is so awesome.

Simone is up and enjoying the nice stroll back home.

Other cute pictures from their visit.