Thursday, October 7, 2010

Who you gonna call?

Everyone born in the 80s or earlier knows the answer. 

BUT did you know...that last night at the Commonwealth Games Cycling event they had an inspiration soundtrack playing in the background?  Most songs were upbeat Bollywood, current American pop/rock, some old school but still inspiring Michael Jackson.  But the epitome of inspiring songs was played, no not anything by Queen.  Ladies and Gents, the Theme Song from Ghostbusters.  Awesome.

Sandip turned to me and said, "that's one for the blog."  You are welcome everyone for putting that song in your head.

More on the event later, including pictures, but it was so much fun.  Tonight is badminton!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

photos from Sunday


Below are some pictures from the outing we took on Sunday to Jantar Mantar.  It is a big astrological observatory that was built in the 1700s by Mughal King Jai Singh II.  This is the one in Delhi, and there is an even better one in Jaipur which is on the list of World Heritage Sites.  Anyhow, I've put a few pictures in this blog so you can get a sense of what it looks like.

Me in front of the park.  Giant tower in back is the sundial part.

Sandip on the other side of the sundial.  The stairs to the left are actually the sundial part, and what is behind him is where the shadow tells the time.

This is some additional structure which indicates position of other astrological bodies (though not sure which ones)

This tells the angle of the sun relative to the earth

White marble on above structure with the hash marks telling the angle.  Apparently the entire place was once covered in this marble with hashmarks.

Look closely at the guy painting.  yes he is suspended from the top by a rope.

More to come later!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Air fresheners that don't bring good thoughts

I bought an air freshener for under the sink today, and took a wild stab in the dark on smell.  I bought Jasmine Mint, and it smells like porter potty air fresheners.  Back to drawing board tomorrow.  Perhaps Desert Rose?