Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Christmas in Chennai

For Christmas weekend we went to Chennai for the 60th wedding anniversary of Sandip's aunt and uncle.

It was odd to have a very non-Christmas Christmas, and really the first time I've ever been away from a lot of Christmas cheer.  We got it in Singapore and with a few markets in Delhi, but not they way you get it in the US.  It was weird.  Plus it was hard being away from my parents, but I was happy to at least be with family.

We had a blast.  There were so many family there that I hadn't yet met, and it was nice to finally get to meet them.  As the rest of his family, I have been so thankful how quickly they have accepted me into the family.  It was truly amazing.  We did several events: Mendhi (henna on hands), temple prayers, family dinner, trip to a beachside resort, and party with performances and dancing.

One important note: thanks to mom and dad for all the dance classes.  My ability to pick up some moves quickly was a big help at the party! 

Enjoy the pictures!

Day one: Mendhi

Bride of 60 years showing off the Mendhi!

Ang getting mendhi

It turned out great!

Day Two: temple and an evening family party

Going to temple in red and green-true Christmas spirit.
Inside the temple they are praying and singing. 

This is a cool peace prayer thing-one big pot of milk/water.  Then there are two smaller pots you dip in and pour into an empty fourth pot in alternate turns.  So liquid is always flowing, and so will peace always flow.  All those Catholics out there-remember the song Peace is Flowing Like a River?

Evening event of games, music, and speeches with the family.

Some of Sandip's aunts playing the Harmonium and singing.

Looking dapper in yellow.

They are very appreciative.

Day Three: Beach and Big Party

The lovely beach.

The bus ride back-we sang Christmas Carols.

He is preparing milk for the coffee-this is traditional southern way of having coffee.

So he pours the coffee/milk/sugar like this several times, and then it is ready to drink.

Sandip giving it a try.

Me in a sari (obvious) for the party.
Sandip looking great.

Tanvi singing, uncles dancing

Showing off the impressive dance moves.

The cousins