Thursday, December 9, 2010

Singapore Post #2-Celebrating the National Pastime of Eating and Drinking

One upon a time, Sandip studied abroad in Singapore.  He frequented a place in a row of bar/restaurants.  Many have Chinese characters on signs, but not his favorite.  Imagine his parents' surprise when they got the bill, which had the name of the restaurant clearly stated.  

Yes, the place is called "Ice Cold beer"

Sandip enjoying an Ice Cold Beer at Ice Cold Beer. of the two favorite past times of Singapore is eating and drinking.  So we of course had to be respectful of our host country, right?  We ate a LOT and have the pictures to prove it.

Food here is best at what are called hawker stalls-basically little stands where the vendors cook on the spot.  Similar to street food, but regulated by the government.  We stayed across the street from the best one in town called Maxwell (see, Maxwell stands for the best things all over the world!)  Below are pictures of us eating and drinking our way through Singapore.  Enjoy!

Outside the Maxwell food stand.

Inside the Maxwell food stand eating delicious veggie noodles.  And Tiger beer hits the spot with spicy food.

Another shot of it inside.

At this great rooftop bar at the Marina next to the Fullerton.  Sandip heard of it from a friend of his at the Singapore Embassy here in Delhi.  Delightful!

Same bar (see Fullerton in background), with delicious mojitos.

Ah Kaya toast.  We didn't take a picture of the toast, but at here 3 times.  Basically is toast with coconut jam you dip in soft boiled egg with black soy like sauce.  Yum.

We made a special trip to Little India for this fishhead curry.

Also made a trip to the Paulaner brewery.  We tried to find Oktoberfest and were told that was over in September.  Well, at least they had it...

This is at the Whopper Bar, from Burger King.  It is all decked out like a nightclub with music to match.  But you can get Tiger beer there at lunchtime, which we did.

Outside the Clarke Quay where we had coffee.

Peanuts at the Raffle Hotel.  You eat them and put shells on the ground.

Raffle Hotel is where Singapore Sling was invented.  Here we are drinking them at the place of their birth.  Tourist trap?  Yes.  Necessary stop? Definitely.

We didn't go here, but took this picture for dad who loves Dunkin Donuts.

Chili crab Sandip had in Chinatown.

Egg and greens dish I had.

Restaurant we had all these dishes at in Chinatown.

 Next posting on our trip...Christmas in Singapore

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