Sunday, January 22, 2012

Tokyo-in and around the Tanno neighborhood

As many of you know, our dear friends Pritham and Yusuke left DC to go to Tokyo with their son Kazuma.  They have since added Tepei, and are living in a wonderful neighborhood in Tokyo.  We stopped in to see them on our great trip around the world.  Below are photos from their neighborhood and house.

There was a great neighborhood festival the day we arrived.

Pritham is trying to help her friends' child get bouncy balls out of water using a rice cup.  You get as many balls as possible before the cup breaks.

Mt. Fuji-San
We could see Mt Fuji from the park near their house.  I did not have the foresight to take any pictures of the park, but we got Mt. Fuji 

Here it is in between the buildings.  Over time there 

Trying to get a closer shot.

Home delivery sushi-so brilliant.  Watch what you eat, or you may spend time in the lobby of a hospital.  That however is an interesting experience

Kazuma standing tall!

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