Sunday, June 16, 2013

Month 4-pics from April

These are photos from Simone's fourth month here with us. It somehow confuses me that the pictures should start with her turning 3 months and go through her 4th month with us.

You already saw the pics from Cherry blossoms with grandma and papaw, but here you will find more cute pics from April

Taken before her first day of school on April 1.  Happy 3 month birthday to squeaky.

Two of my favorite shots of all time are below

More fun with grandmama and papaw

My future is so bright...

At cherry blossoms in full bloom

 At bath time, squeaky likes to impersonate our founding fathers

New things this month

I can hold my feet AND stick out my tongue

I like to hold my hair when I am eating

I try to eat my hand

I am learning to sit by using the Bumbo

I try to turn to get objects

I have a new shirt and an new bouncy seat
(This picture is technically from March, but don't tell anyone...)

I have a new friend Jack who was born on April 2!!

In constant motion


At her crib in daycare

Cozy with Roger

Rare picture of her crying

Mainly she is just plain happy

 With her favorite daycare toy