Monday, March 7, 2011

Kerala cycling-Day 3

Day 3 we went from the backwaters to a "resort" just 40 km down the road.  We started on the beach, rode on the main road for a while (including past women selling chickens, though didn't get any good shots of that) and ended at this resort which was, well let's say not our idea of resort.  How is it not fun though?

We started at the beach-see the women in background sweeping up trash?

Here they are dumping the trash over the wall onto the beach.  There was a fire below burning the trash.

Ready to go!

We stopped here to change the tire on our guide's bike, and use the toilet.  The priest of the church you see in the background let us into his house to use the toilet-so hospitable.

This is the place we were catching the boat to the resort.

Once at the resort, we took this boat from the area to our room.  There is a guy behind me driving.  Hard to tell from picture, but there is a long bamboo stick he has in the water that he puts to the bottom and literally pushes the boat.

View from our room.

We went for a walk on this path through the nearby village and these kids wanted us to take one picture.

There is no zoom on this picture.

Day 4 coming right up...

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